Blar i Brage NP på tittel
Viser treff 1223-1242 av 1471
The spiders of Bear Island
(Meddelelser;21, Book, 1933) -
The state of marine microplastic pollution in the Arctic
(Kortrapport;33, Research report, 2015-11-23) -
The state of the European Arctic environment
(Meddelelser;141, Book, 1996) -
The status of marine birds breeding in the Barents Sea region
(Rapport;113, Research report, 2000) -
Threats to Arctic biodiversity : climate change impacts on sea mammals and sea birds
(Faktaark; 008/E, Others, 2003) -
Tidal observations in the Arctic
(Skrifter;14, Research report, 1934) -
Tidal observations in the Arctic 1946-52
(Skrifter;104, Research report, 1954) -
Tidlig-diagnetiske prosesser i marine avsetninger
(Rapport;17, Doctoral thesis, 1984) -
Til Østgrønlands historie
(Meddelelse;29, Book, 1935) -
Tilpasning og avbøtende tiltak : klimaendringer i norsk Arktis : NorACIA delutredning 5
(Rapport, Research report, 2009-11) -
Torgilsbu 1937-38
(Others, 1938) -
Torgilsbu : Ragnar Eggesvik dagbok 1938-39
(Others, 1939) -
Torgilsbu radio: LMQ - beliggende ved Øyfjord, Sydøst-Grønland
(Others, 1934) -
Torgilsbu; dagbok 1935-36
(Others, 1936) -
The toxic effect of polar bear liver
(Skrifter;92, Research report, 1949) -
Trace elements in seabirds from the Barents and Norwegian Seas, 1991-1993
(Internrapport, Research report, 2000) -
Transfer of fatty acids from mothers to their calves during lactation in white whales Delphinapterus leucas
(Journal article, 2005-08) -
Translations of scientific texts from Russian into English 1971-97
(Rapport;105, Research report, 1997) -
Transplantation of the muskox in Europe and North-America
(Meddelelser;84, Book, 1960)