Browsing Brage NP by Title
Now showing items 1367-1386 of 1471
Virkninger av motorferdsel på fauna og vegetasjon : kunnskapsstatus med relevans for Svalbard
(Rapport, Research report, 2002-04) -
Vitamin sources in Arctic regions
(Skrifter;91, Research report, 1949) -
Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Arctic : Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG)
(Kortrapport, Research report, 2009-03) -
Vurdering av indikatorer for overvåking av klimaeffekter og ferdselsslitasje på Svalbards vegetasjon: oppsummering av en pilotstudie
(Kortrapport;41, Research report, 2016) -
Walter Wellmans polarekspedisjon vaaren 1894
(Others, 1894) -
The Wellman polar airship expeditions at Virgohamna, Danskøya, Svalbard : a study in aerospace archaeology
(Meddelelser, Research report, 1997) -
When ground-ice replaces fjord-ice: results from a study of GPS-collared Svalbard reindeer females
(Kortrapport;49, Research report, 2018) -
Why do organochlorine differences between Arctic Regions vary among trophic levels?
(Journal article, 2005-05) -
Why is sea ice important?
(Others, 2009) -
Widespread gene flow and high genetic variability in populations of water voles habitats
(Journal article, 2006) -
Winter distribution of guillemots (Uria spp.) in the Barents Sea
(Rapport;141, Research report, 2013-09-10) -
Wintertime warming of an Arctic shelf in response to large-scale atmospheric circulation
(Journal article, 2007) -
A working stratigraphy for central western Oscar II Land, Spitsbergen
(Skrifter, Research report, 1988) -
Zonality of climate and plant distributions in some Arctic and Antarctic regions
(Rapport;30, Research report, 1986) -
Zoological results of the Norwegian Scientific Expeditions to East-Greenland. I
(Skrifter;49, Research report, 1933) -
Zoological results of the Norwegian Scientific Expeditions to East-Greenland. II
(Skrifter;53, Research report, 1933) -
Zoological results of the Norwegian Scientific Expeditions to East-Greenland. III
(Skrifter;61, Research report, 1934)