Browsing Brage NP by Title
Now showing items 492-511 of 1471
Environmental atlas Gipsdalen, Svalbard. Vol. III, Reports on the fauna of Gipsdalen
(Rapport;66, Research report, 1990) -
Environmental impact assesment of the research activities in Ny-Ålesund 2006
(Kortrapport, Research report, 2006-08) -
Environmental impact assessment : Ny-Ålesund international scientific research and monitoring station, Svalbard
(Meddelelser;157, Research report, 1998) -
Environmental impact assessment of Norwegian Polar Institute operations in Antarctica 2011-2020
(Brief report series;26, Research report, 2012) -
The Environmental Monitoring of Svalbard and Jan Mayen – MOSJ : documentation of the system and the first assessments of the state of the environment
(Rapport, Research report, 2006-12) -
Environmental studies from Franz Josef Land, with emphasis on Tikhaia Bay, Hooker Island
(Meddelelser;120, Research report, 1992) -
Episodic fresh surface waters in the Eocene Arctic Ocean
(Journal article, 2006-06) -
Er Mack-øl og måsegg en saga blott? Effekter av organiske miljøgifter
(Journal article, 2007) -
Er polarmåkene på Bjørnøya påvirket av miljøgifter?
(Journal article, 2004) -
Erik the Red’s Land: the land that never was
(Journal article, 2006) -
Eskimo metabolism : a study of racial factors in basal metabolism
(Skrifter;99, Research report, 1954) -
The Eskimos of northeast Labrador : a history of Eskimo-White relations 1771-1955
(Skrifter;139, Research report, 1966) -
Establishment of Troll, a new station facility for summer operations : initial environmental evaluation
(Rapport, Research report, 1990) -
Estimating the exchanges through the Fram Strait by classical methods: hydrography, TS-analysis and minimizing techniques
(Rapport, Research report, 1986) -
Estimating the number of walruses in Svalbard from aerial surveys and behavioural data from satellite telemetry
(Journal article, 2008-06) -
Et bidrag til Spitsbergens flora
(Meddelelse;63, Research report, 1946) -
Et bidrag til Spitsbergens lavflora : laver samlet av Emil Hadac, fortrinsvis i Sassenområdet, sommeren 1939
(Skrifter;79, Research report, 1940) -
Evaluering av områdevernet på Svalbard : representativitet og behov for ytterligere vern
(Meddelelser, Research report, 1998) -
Experiencing Svalbard's wildlife: a guide for excursions in Svalbard's natural environment
(Others, 2014-03-19)