Blar i Brage NP på emneord "barentshavet"
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April sea ice extent in the Barents Sea, 1850-2001
(Journal article, 2003) -
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment : presentasjoner og oppsummeringer fra fagmøtet Effekter av marine klimaendringer med spesielt fokus på Barentshavet
(Internrapport, Research report, 2003-04) -
Barentshavet - et hav i endring
(Journal article, 2005) -
Barentshavets geologi og Svalbards kvartærgeologi: en bibliografi
(Rapport;31, Others, 1986) -
Barentshavets sjøfuglressurser: forhold i tilknytning til status, miljøproblemer og forskningsoppgaver
(Meddelelser;104, Book, 1977) -
Conservation value assessment and distribution of selected marine mammals in the Northern Barents Sea
(Meddelelser, Research report, 1995) -
Distribution and abundance of birds and marine mammals in the eastern Barents Sea and the Kara Sea, late summer, 1995
(Meddelelser, Research report, 1998) -
Drivisen ved Svalbard 1924-1939
(Meddelelser;72, Research report, 1953) -
Ecological and physical processes in the marginal ice-zone during the summer melt period : the lCE-BAR 1996 cruise in the northern Barents Sea
(Rapport;102, Research report, 1997) -
Ecological processes in the marginal ice-zone of the northern Barents Sea : ICE-BAR 1995, Cruise Report
(Rapport;93, Research report, 1996) -
Frequency distribution of sea ice, ridges and water openings in the Greenland and Barents Seas : a preliminary report on the 'Birds Eye' observations
(Rapport;15, Research report, 1984) -
Geo-scientific investigations in the Barents and Greenland-Norwegian Seas
(Skrifter, Research report, 1984) -
Geological aspects of Franz Josef Land and the northernmost Barents Sea : The northern Barents Sea Geotraverse
(Meddelelser, Research report, 1998) -
Glacial geology of the northern Barents Sea : with emphasis on the surge related, ice proximal depositional environment
(Rapport;47, Research report, 1988) -
Hydrography in the north-western Barents Sea, July–August 1996
(Journal article, 2001) -
Ice draft recordings from upward looking sonars (ULSs) in the Fram Strait and the Barents Sea in 1987/88 and 1990/91
(Rapport;79, Research report, 1992) -
Isforholdene i Nordishavet i 1881 og 1882 / Karl Pettersen, med en innledning av Adolf Hoel
(Meddelelser;1, Research report, 1926) -
Itogovyj otsjot 2012-2015: sovmestnyj Rossijsko-Norvezjskij projekt po montoringu - Mor 3
(Kortrapportserie;30 R, Research report, 2015-03-30) -
Klimaendringer i Barentshavet : konsekvenser av økte CO2 nivåer i atmosfæren og havet
(Rapportserie, Research report, 2008-06-16)