Blar i Brage NP på forfatter "Isaksson, Elisabeth"
A 1500 year record of accumulation at Amundsenisen western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, derived from electrical and radioactive measurements on a 120 m ice core
Karlöf, Lars; Winther, Jan-Gunnar; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Kohler, Jack; Pinglot, J.F.; Wilhelms, F.; Hansson, M.; Holmlund, Per; Nyman, M.; Pettersson, Rickard; Stenberg, M.; Thomassen, M.P.A.; van der Veen, Cornelius; van de Wal, Roderik S.W. (Journal article, 2000) -
33rd Annual Arctic Workshop : Polar Environmental Centre, Tromsø, Norway, 3-5 April 2003 : abstracts
Bondevik, Stein; Hald, Morten; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Koc, Nalan; Vorren, Tore (Internrapport;13, Research report, 2003) -
The 800 year long ion record from the Lomonosovfonna (Svalbard) ice core
Kekonen, Teija; Moore, John; Perämäki, Paavo; Mulvaney, Robert; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Pohjola, Veijo; van de Wal, Roderik S.W. (Journal article, 2005) -
Accumulation variability over a small area in east Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, as determined from shallow firn cores and snow pits: some implications for ice-core records
Karlöf, Lars; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Winther, Jan-Gunnar; Gundestrup, Niels; Meijer, Harro; Mulvaney, Robert; Pourchet, Michael; Hofstede, Coen; Lappegard, Gaute; Pettersson, Rickard; van den Broeke, Michiel; van de Wal, Roderik S.W. (Journal article, 2005) -
Antarktis : norsk forskning på snø og is
Isaksson, Elisabeth; Kohler, Jack (Faktaark; 015/N, Others, 2005) -
Assessing source areas of pollutants from studies of fly ash, charcoal, and pollen from Svalbard snow and ice
Hicks, Sheila; Isaksson, Elisabeth (Journal article, 2006) -
A century of accumulation and temperature changes in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
Isaksson, Elisabeth; Karlén, Wibjörn; Gundestrup, Niels; Mayewski, Paul; Whitlow, Sallie; Twickler, Mark (Journal article, 1996) -
Climate oscillations as recorded in Svalbard ice core d18O records between AD 1200 and 1997
Isaksson, Elisabeth; Divine, Dmitry V.; Kohler, Jack; Martma, Tonu; Pohjola, Veijo; Motoyama, Hideaki; Watanabe, Okitsugu (Journal article, 2005) -
Current-use and legacy pesticide history in the Austfonna Ice Cap, Svalbard, Norway
Hermanson, Mark; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Teixeira, Camilla; Muir, Derek C.G.; Compher, Kevin M.; Li, Y.-F.; Igarashi, Makoto; Kamiyama, Kokichi (Journal article, 2005) -
Determination of firn density in ice cores using image analysis
Sjögren, Björn; Brandt, Ola; Nuth, Chris; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Pohjola, Veijo; Kohler, Jack; van de Wal, Roderik S.W. (Journal article, 2007) -
Holtedahlfonna : a new svalbard ice core record
Isaksson, Elisabeth; Kohler, Jack; Brandt, Ola; Nuth, Chris; Divine, Dmitry V.; Martma, Tonu; Vaikmäe, Rein; van de Wal, Roderik S.W.; van der Veen, Carina; de Jong, Eric-Jan; Floor, Geerke; Sjögren, Björn; Pohjola, Veijo; Virkkunen, Kristiina; Moore, John; Meijer, Harro; Godtliebsen, Fred (Others, 2005) -
Ice core melt features in relation to Antarctic coastal climate
Kaczmarska, Marzena; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Karlöf, Lars; Brandt, Ola; Winther, Jan-Gunnar; van de Wal, Roderik S.W.; van den Broeke, Michiel; Johnsen, Sigfus J. (Journal article, 2006) -
Ice cores from Svalbard: useful archives of past climate and pollution history
Isaksson, Elisabeth; Hermanson, Mark; Hicks, Sheila; Igarashi, Makoto; Kamiyama, Kokichi; Moore, John; Motoyama, Hideaki; Muir, Derek C.G.; Pohjola, Veijo; Vaikmäe, Rein; van de Wal, Roderik S.W.; Watanabe, Okitsugu (Journal article, 2003) -
Insignificant Change in Antarctic Snowfall Since the International Geophysical Year
Monoghan, Andrew J.; Bromwich, David H.; Fogt, Ryan L.; Wang, Sheng-Hung; Mayewski, Paul; Dixon, Daniel A.; Ekaykin, Alexey; Frezzotti, Massimo; Goodwin, Ian; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Kaspari, Susan D.; Morgan, Vin I.; Oerter, Hans; van Ommen, Tas D.; van der Veen, Cornelius; Wen, Jiahong (Journal article, 2006) -
Iskjerner fra Svalbard avslører fortidens klima
Divine, Dmitry V.; Isaksson, Elisabeth (Journal article, 2008) -
Large-scale force budget of an outlet glacier: Jutulstraumen, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
Rolstad, Cecilie; Whillans, I.M.; Hagen, Jon Ove; Isaksson, Elisabeth (Journal article, 2000) -
Methanesulfonic acid in a Svalbard ice core as an indicator of ocean climate
O'Dwyer, Jane; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Vinje, Torgny; Jauhiainen, Tauno; Moore, John; Pohjola, Veijo; Vaikmäe, Rein; van de Wal, Roderik S.W. (Journal article, 2000) -
A new surface accumulation map for western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, from interpolation of point measurements
Rotschky, Gerit; Holmlund, Per; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Mulvaney, Robert; Oerter, Hans; van den Broeke, Michiel; Winther, Jan-Gunnar (Journal article, 2007) -
One-to-one coupling of glacial climate variability in Greenland and Antarctica
Isaksson, Elisabeth; Winther, Jan-Gunnar; Kaczmarska, Marzena (Journal article, 2006) -
Sulfate source inventories from a Svalbard ice core record spanning the Industrial Revolution
Moore, John; Kekonen, Teija; Grinsted, Aslak; Isaksson, Elisabeth (Journal article, 2006)