Blar i Rapportserien / Report series på tittel
Viser treff 41-60 av 161
The Environmental Monitoring of Svalbard and Jan Mayen – MOSJ : documentation of the system and the first assessments of the state of the environment
(Rapport, Research report, 2006-12) -
Establishment of Troll, a new station facility for summer operations : initial environmental evaluation
(Rapport, Research report, 1990) -
Estimating the exchanges through the Fram Strait by classical methods: hydrography, TS-analysis and minimizing techniques
(Rapport, Research report, 1986) -
Feeding ecology of seabirds in the Svalbard area - a preliminary report
(Rapport;16, Research report, 1984) -
Flytaksering av ærfuglflokker langs vestkysten av Spitsbergen
(Rapport;17A, Research report, 1984) -
Food sample analysis of seabirds collected during the 'Lance'-cruise in ice-filled waters in Eastern Svalbard 1984
(Rapport;23, Research report, 1985)This report gives a preliminary account of the analysis of stomach contents of seabirds collected in ice-filled waters in the Eastern parts of Svalbard during the "Lance"-expedition in summer 1984. A total of 40 seabirds ... -
Forskning og overvåkning av det fysiske miljø på arktisk kanadisk sokkel
(Rapport;26, Research report, 1985) -
Forslag til miljømål for Jan Mayen med hensyn til håndtering av PCB i avfallsdeponi på øya
(Rapport, Research report, 1998) -
Forslag til miljøovervåkingssystem for Svalbard og Jan Mayen
(Rapport;108, Research report, 1998) -
Frequency distribution of sea ice, ridges and water openings in the Greenland and Barents Seas : a preliminary report on the 'Birds Eye' observations
(Rapport;15, Research report, 1984) -
Fysiske og biogeokjemiske prosesser : klimaendringer i norsk Arktis : NorACIA delutredning 2
(Rapport, Research report, 2010-03) -
Geologiske og geofysiske undersøkelser på Barents- og Edgeøya og Agardhbukta i 1979
(Rapport, Research report, 1979) -
Geoscience atlas of Svalbard
(Rapport;148, Research report, 2015) -
Glacial geology of the northern Barents Sea : with emphasis on the surge related, ice proximal depositional environment
(Rapport;47, Research report, 1988) -
Human impact on the tundra environment at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
(Rapport;45, Research report, 1988) -
Hva skjer med klimaet i polarområdene? : sammendrag av foredrag på symposium 25-26 april 1989
(Rapport, Research report, 1989) -
Høsttelling av svalbardrype: sluttrapport til Svalbards miljøvernfond
(Rapport;154, Report, 2023-03) -
Ice draft recordings from upward looking sonars (ULSs) in the Fram Strait and the Barents Sea in 1987/88 and 1990/91
(Rapport;79, Research report, 1992) -
Ice tracking in the Fram Strait from ERS-1 SAR images
(Rapport, Research report, 1996) -
IDAP 89 Lance deployment. Volume 1: cruise report
(Rapport;52, Research report, 1989)The ice fields between Bjørnøya and Hopen were investigated. Altogether 6 icebergs were located from LANCE while 85 were spotted from the helicopter reconnaissance flights covering most of the Spitsbergenbanken. Nine ...