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dc.contributor.authorNygaard, Einar
dc.description.abstractThis CTD-report deals with CTD and water samples data obtained during the Russian-Norwegian cruise in the Kara Sea in August-October 1994. The Cruise was a co-operation between Arctic Antarctic Research Institute in Russia and Norsk Polarinstitutt in Norway. The cruise was divided in two parts. Part l of the cruise started in Archangelsk the 15th. of August and ended in Anderma the 19th. of September. Part 2 started in Anderma the 19th. of September and ended in Murmansk the 11th. of October. A Russian vessel named "Ivan Petrov" was hired for the expedition. Altogether 144 CTD-casts were made during the cruises. Figures l and 2 show the positions of the CTD stations. Water samples were collected for analyses of salinity, helium, o 18o and tritium. 64 samples of water were analysed for salinity for calibration of the CTD's conductivity cell. 7 profiles of water samples were analysed for tritium, helium and f>l 8o, each profile consisted of water samples from 3 levels.no_NO
dc.subjectkara seano_NO
dc.titleCTD-report from Karex 94 (a part of RUSNOP - the Russian-Norwegian Oceanographic Programme between the Norwegian Polar Institute, Oslo, and the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg)no_NO
dc.typeResearch reportno_NO

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