Browsing Artikler / Articles by Title
Now showing items 38-57 of 176
The Deep Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait in CMIP6 Models
(Journal article, 2023)Arctic sea ice loss has become a symbol of ongoing climate change, yet climate models still struggle to reproduce it accurately, let alone predict it. A reason for this is the increasingly clear role of the ocean, especially ... -
Determination of firn density in ice cores using image analysis
(Journal article, 2007) -
Development of display behavior in young captive bearded seals
(Journal article, 2006) -
Diatoms: from micropaleontology to isotope geochemistry
(Chapter, 2007) -
Direct measurement of volume transport through Fram Strait
(Journal article, 2001) -
Dispersal patterns in a harvested willow ptarmigan population
(Journal article, 2005) -
Distribution and diving of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Svalbard
(Journal article, 2001) -
Divergence in Climate Model Projections of Future Arctic Atlantification
(Journal article, 2022)The Arctic Ocean is strongly stratified by salinity in the uppermost layers. This stratification is a key attribute of the region as it acts as an effective barrier for the vertical exchanges of Atlantic Water heat, ... -
Diving behaviour of Mediterranean monk seal pups during lactation and post weaning
(Journal article, 2006) -
Enantiomer fractions of organic chlorinated pesticides in Arctic marine ice fauna, zooplankton, and benthos
(Journal article, 2005-04) -
Energy cost of running in an Arctic Fox, Alopex Lagopus
(Journal article, 2003) -
Episodic fresh surface waters in the Eocene Arctic Ocean
(Journal article, 2006-06) -
Er Mack-øl og måsegg en saga blott? Effekter av organiske miljøgifter
(Journal article, 2007)