Browsing Norsk Polarinstitutt by Title
Now showing items 1329-1348 of 1471
Undersøkelser av PCB i jord, fisk og sjøfugl i området rundt avfallsfyllingen på Jan Mayen (FBT lokalitet 1805 001)
(Rapport;104, Research report, 1997) -
Undersøkelser av produksjon og hekkeforløp hos rødnebbterne i svalbardområdet i 1965
(Meddelelser;95, Journal article, 1967) -
Undersøkelser i de sulfatførende sedimentene fra underperm i områdene nord for Isfjorden, Svalbard
(Rapport, Research report, 1981) -
Unge forskere i kulda
(Others, 2009) -
Untersuchungen über die Ernährung der Bewohner von Barentsburg, Svalbard
(Skrifter;25, Research report, 1929) -
Untersuchungen über die Fauna, die Stratigraphie und Paläogeographie der Trias Spitzbergens
(Skrifter;26, Research report, 1929) -
Upper Devonian (Famennian) - Middle Carboniferous succession of Bjørnøya : a study of ancient alluvial and coastal marine sedimentation
(Skrifter;174, Research report, 1981) -
Upper ocean warming and sea ice reduction en the East Greenland current from 2003 to 2019
(Journal article, 2023) -
Upward looking sonar recordings at 75°N - 12°W from 22 June 1987 to 20 June 1988
(Rapport;51, Research report, 1989) -
US ice drift station FRAM-IV : report on the Norwegian field program
(Rapport;11, Research report, 1982)The US ice drift station FRAM-IV was deployed in the Arctic Ocean at 83° 57'N, 21 °E on 15 March 1982 a bo ut 200 n.m. north of Svalbard and manned by twenty US and three Norwegian scientists. During 57 days of operation, ... -
The use of Global Positioning Systems to record distances in a helicopter line-transect survey
(Journal article, 2006) -
The use of mosses as monitors of trace element deposition from the atmosphere in arctic regions : a feasibility study from Svalbard
(Rapport, Research report, 1994) -
Utforskningen av kontinentalsokkelen i Barentshavet - fra Fridtjof Nansens tid til i dag
(Meddelelser, Research report, 1976) -
Über einige Hieracium-Arten aus Grönland
(Meddelelse;40, Research report, 1937) -
Über Epidemien von unspezifischen Katarrhen der Luftwege auf Svalbard
(Skrifter;32, Research report, 1930) -
Übersicht über die Hieraciumflora Ost-Grönlands : und Bemerkungen betreffend zwei Monstrositäten des Hieracium Alpinum (L.) Backh.
(Skrifter;25, Research report, 1933) -
Vadefugler i Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
(Kortrapport;59, Report, 2021-12)