Felt- og toktrapporter / Field- and cruise reports
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Cruise report. Norwegian Polar Institute. Microplastic Cruise (PLT21). June 14 - 28, 2021. Cruise 2021706
(Report, 2021-06)Norsk Polarinstitutt gjennomførte et tverrfaglig tokt fokusert på mikroplast 14-28 juni 2021. Toktet gikk først sør for Nordaustlandet til Erik Eriksenstretet, hvor det ble samlet prøver av havis i tillegg til innsamling ... -
SEATRACK annual report 2023
(Report, 2024-04)This short report sums up the field season and briefly highlights some of our research activities in 2023. It also marks the beginning of SEATRACK phase III (2023-2026). -
Troll Transect 2024: cruise report 5 Jan. 2024 - 9 Feb. 2024
(Report, 2024) -
NPI Arctic Ocean Cruise II, 10-29 August 2023: IMR cruise ID 2023007014
(Report, 2024-01) -
Kongsfjorden-Rijpfjorden cruise (MOSJ/ICE) 2016
(Report, 2016) -
Kongsfjorden cruise, August 8-13, 2019
(Report, 2019) -
NPI cruise Kongsfjorden, July 12-17, 2018
(Report, 2018) -
Kongsfjorden MOSJ cruise 14-17 July 2015: cruise report
(Report, 2015) -
Østgrønland 1932: flykartlegging
(Report, 1932) -
Sydosh Grønland. "Veslemari"-ekspedisjonen 1932
(Report, 1932)