Norsk Polarinstitutt
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Artikler / Articles [176]
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Dagbøker / Diaries [338]
Arktiske dagbøker fra bl.a. overvintringsfangst -
Felt- og toktrapporter / Field- and cruise reports [43]
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Plakater / Posters [57]
Recent Submissions
The Southern Ocean sea-ice ecosystem is important to humans
(Journal article, 2024)Did you know that ecosystems support the wellbeing of humans by simply existing? An ecosystem describes the living things in an area, their interactions, and their environment. The ways that ecosystems benefit the wellbeing ... -
Cruise report. Norwegian Polar Institute. Microplastic Cruise (PLT21). June 14 - 28, 2021. Cruise 2021706
(Report, 2021-06)Norsk Polarinstitutt gjennomførte et tverrfaglig tokt fokusert på mikroplast 14-28 juni 2021. Toktet gikk først sør for Nordaustlandet til Erik Eriksenstretet, hvor det ble samlet prøver av havis i tillegg til innsamling ... -
SEATRACK annual report 2023
(Report, 2024-04)This short report sums up the field season and briefly highlights some of our research activities in 2023. It also marks the beginning of SEATRACK phase III (2023-2026). -
Årsmelding 2023
(Report, 2024) -
Annual report 2023
(Report, 2024) -
Future sea ice weakening amplifies winddriven trends in surface stress and Arctic Ocean spin-up
(Nature Communications;15, Journal article, 2024-07)Arctic sea ice mediates atmosphere-ocean momentum transfer, which drives upper ocean circulation. How Arctic Ocean surface stress and velocity respond to sea ice decline and changing winds under global warming is unclear. ... -
Norsels reise til Maudheim 1951/1952
(Others, 1952) -
Årsrapport 2023
(Report, 2024) -
Norske kulturminner i Antarktis: prioritering og mulige tiltak
(Norsk Polarinstitutt. Rapport;156, Report, 2024-04)Siden Antarktis ble oppdaget i 1820 er det relativt sett bare et fåtalls mennesker som har besøkt kontinentet, og det er svært få synlige minner som vitner om den tidlige menneskelige aktiviteten. Nordmenn og norske aktører ... -
Norwegian Historic Sites and Remains in Antarctica: priorities and management options
(Norsk Polarinstitutt. Rapport;157, Report, 2024-04)Relatively few people have visited the Antarctic continent since it was discovered in 1820, and there are very few visible signs of the earliest human activity. Norwegians were among the earliest people carrying out ... -
Reduced Deep Convection and Bottom Water Formation Due To Antarctic Meltwater in a Multi-Model Ensemble
(Journal article, 2023)The additional water from the Antarctic ice sheet and ice shelves due to climate-induced melt can impact ocean circulation and global climate. However, the major processes driving melt are not adequately represented in ... -
Upper ocean warming and sea ice reduction en the East Greenland current from 2003 to 2019
(Journal article, 2023) -
The Deep Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait in CMIP6 Models
(Journal article, 2023)Arctic sea ice loss has become a symbol of ongoing climate change, yet climate models still struggle to reproduce it accurately, let alone predict it. A reason for this is the increasingly clear role of the ocean, especially ... -
The Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) Initiative: scientific objectives and experimental design
(Journal article, 2023)As the climate warms, the grounded ice sheet and floating ice shelves surrounding Antarctica are melting and releasing additional freshwater into the Southern Ocean. Nonetheless, almost all existing coupled climate models ... -
Divergence in Climate Model Projections of Future Arctic Atlantification
(Journal article, 2022)The Arctic Ocean is strongly stratified by salinity in the uppermost layers. This stratification is a key attribute of the region as it acts as an effective barrier for the vertical exchanges of Atlantic Water heat, ... -
An improved radiative forcing scheme for better representation of Arctic under-ice blooms
(Journal article, 2022)In the present study, a newly designed radiative forcing scheme, i.e., impulsive radiative forcing scheme (IRFS), is applied in the one-dimensional Regional Ocean Modeling System-Carbon Silicate Nitrate Ecosystem (ROMS-CoSiNE) ... -
On the turbulent heat fluxes: A comparison among satellite-based estimates, atmospheric reanalyses, and in-situ observations during the winter climate over Arctic sea ice
(Journal article, 2023)En sammenligning mellom satellittbaserte estimater, atmosfæriske reanalyser, og in situ observasjoner under vinterklimaet over arktisk sjøis I Polhavet og tilgrensende områder finnes det svært få direkte målinger av fysiske ...