Blar i Kortrapport / Brief report series på tittel
Viser treff 29-48 av 60
The marginal ice zone of the Barents Sea : temporal and spatial variability of the ice–ocean system of the ice-edge
(Kortrapport, Research report, 2004-08) -
Material from harvested Svalbard reindeer: evaluation of the material, the data and their areas of application for research and management
(Brief report series;24, Research report, 2012-05-04)This report evaluates biological material from reindeer harvested in Svalbard and discusses application areas for research and management. A collection of lower jaws located at the University of Oslo (UiO) covers most ... -
Miljøkonsekvenser av ferdsel på fjellrev: sluttrapport til Svalbards miljøvernfond
(Kortrapport;31, Research report, 2015-10-26) -
Miljøverdier og sårbarhet i iskantsonen
(Kortrapport;47, Research report, 2018) -
MOSJ-rapport : ferdsel
(Kortrapport;15, Research report, 2010-05) -
Naturtyper på Svalbard: laguner og pollers betydning, med katalog over lokaliteter
(Kortrapport;40, Research report, 2016) -
NorACIA : Norwegian Arctic Climate Impact Assessment : ocenka posledstvij izmenenija klimata v norvezskom sektore Arktiki : rezjume pjati dokladov i svodnyj doklad
(Kortrapport;18, Research report, 2010-05) -
NorACIA : Norwegian Arctic Climate Impact Assessment : Summaries from five sub reports and the synthesis report
(Kortrapport;18, Research report, 2010-05) -
Organohalogens and mercury in ivory gull eggs
(SPFO-Rapport, Research report, 2007) -
Panel-based assessment of ecosystem condition (PAEC) as a knowledge platform for ecosystem-based management of Norwegian Arctic tundra
(Kortrapport;56, Research report, 2021-05) -
Plastic in the European Arctic
(Kortrapport;45, Research report, 2018-01) -
Plastic ingestion by northern fulmars, Fulmarus glacialis, in Svalbard and Iceland, and relationships between plastic ingestion and contaminant uptake
(Kortrapport;29, Research report, 2015-10-26) -
Protocols and recommendations for the measurement of snow physical properties, and sampling of snow for black carbon, water isotopes, major ions and microorganisms
(Kortrapport;46, Research report, 2018-02) -
Report from the international workshop: Black carbon in snow – sampling, albedo effects and climate impact : Tromsø, Norway, 13–14 August 2009
(Kortrapport;17, Research report, 2010-05) -
Report from the Ny-Ålesund Seminar, Tromsø, Norway, 23-25 September 2015
(Kortrapport;36, Research report, 2016-03-14) -
Screening of UV chemicals, bisphenols and siloxanes in the Arctic
(Kortrapport;39, Research report, 2016-10-10) -
The second Ny-Ålesund-Pallas Sodankylä Atmospheric Research Workshop Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norway : 16-18 april 2007 - extended abstracts
(Kortrapport, Research report, 2008-03) -
Spredning av østmarkmus og parasitt på Svalbard: sluttrapport til Svalbards miljøvernfond, prosjektnummer 18/53
(Kortrapport;55, Report, 2021) -
Svalbardrypenes jaktstatistikk: sluttrapport til Svalbards miløvernfond, prosjektnummer 16/54
(Kortrapport;51, Research report, 2019)