Blar i Rapportserien / Report series på forfatter "Jensen, Hans"
IDAP 89 Lance deployment. Volume 1: cruise report
Jensen, Hans; Vinje, Torgny (Rapport;52, Research report, 1989)The ice fields between Bjørnøya and Hopen were investigated. Altogether 6 icebergs were located from LANCE while 85 were spotted from the helicopter reconnaissance flights covering most of the Spitsbergenbanken. Nine ... -
IDAP 91 R/V Lance deployment. Volume 1: cruise report
Jensen, Hans; Løyning, Terje Brinck; Løvås, Stig Magnar (Rapport;71, Research report, 1991)Totally 36 icebergs were observed during the survey in the area between Hopen and Kong Karls Land. The majority of these icebergs were small and trapped in the landfast ice at Kong Karls Land. 4 Argos buoys were deployed, ...