Browsing Norsk Polarinstitutt by Subject "maringeologi"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Geo-scientific investigations in the Barents and Greenland-Norwegian Seas
(Skrifter, Research report, 1984) -
Geophysical studies in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
(Skrifter;170, Research report, 1979) -
Glacial geology of the northern Barents Sea : with emphasis on the surge related, ice proximal depositional environment
(Rapport;47, Research report, 1988) -
Late weichselian glacial and glaciomarine sedimentation in the Western, Central Barents Sea
(Rapport, Research report, 1980) -
Marin geologiske og geofysiske undersøkelser : Svalbardekspedisjonen 1980. Rapport tokt II
(Rapport;4, Research report, 1980) -
Marin-geologiske og -geofysiske undersøkelser 1981: toktrapport og foreløpige resultater
(Rapport;7, Research report, 1982) -
Marin-geologiske og -geofysiske undersøkelser i Barentshavet 1983: toktrapport
(Rapport;14, Research report, 1983) -
Recent sedimentogenesis and environment on the Arctic shelf of Western Eurasia
(Meddelelser, Research report, 1995) -
Utforskningen av kontinentalsokkelen i Barentshavet - fra Fridtjof Nansens tid til i dag
(Meddelelser, Research report, 1976)