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Norsk Polarinstitutt [1470]
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Cruise report. Norwegian Polar Institute. Microplastic Cruise (PLT21). June 14 - 28, 2021. Cruise 2021706
(Report, 2021-06)Norsk Polarinstitutt gjennomførte et tverrfaglig tokt fokusert på mikroplast 14-28 juni 2021. Toktet gikk først sør for Nordaustlandet til Erik Eriksenstretet, hvor det ble samlet prøver av havis i tillegg til innsamling ... -
SEATRACK annual report 2023
(Report, 2024-04)This short report sums up the field season and briefly highlights some of our research activities in 2023. It also marks the beginning of SEATRACK phase III (2023-2026). -
Årsmelding 2023
(Report, 2024) -
Annual report 2023
(Report, 2024) -
Future sea ice weakening amplifies winddriven trends in surface stress and Arctic Ocean spin-up
(Nature Communications;15, Journal article, 2024-07)Arctic sea ice mediates atmosphere-ocean momentum transfer, which drives upper ocean circulation. How Arctic Ocean surface stress and velocity respond to sea ice decline and changing winds under global warming is unclear. ...