Blar i Rapportserien / Report series på tittel
Viser treff 52-71 av 161
Geologiske og geofysiske undersøkelser på Barents- og Edgeøya og Agardhbukta i 1979
(Rapport, Research report, 1979) -
Geoscience atlas of Svalbard
(Rapport;148, Research report, 2015) -
Glacial geology of the northern Barents Sea : with emphasis on the surge related, ice proximal depositional environment
(Rapport;47, Research report, 1988) -
Human impact on the tundra environment at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
(Rapport;45, Research report, 1988) -
Hva skjer med klimaet i polarområdene? : sammendrag av foredrag på symposium 25-26 april 1989
(Rapport, Research report, 1989) -
Høsttelling av svalbardrype: sluttrapport til Svalbards miljøvernfond
(Rapport;154, Report, 2023-03) -
Ice draft recordings from upward looking sonars (ULSs) in the Fram Strait and the Barents Sea in 1987/88 and 1990/91
(Rapport;79, Research report, 1992) -
Ice tracking in the Fram Strait from ERS-1 SAR images
(Rapport, Research report, 1996) -
IDAP 89 Lance deployment. Volume 1: cruise report
(Rapport;52, Research report, 1989)The ice fields between Bjørnøya and Hopen were investigated. Altogether 6 icebergs were located from LANCE while 85 were spotted from the helicopter reconnaissance flights covering most of the Spitsbergenbanken. Nine ... -
IDAP 91 R/V Lance deployment. Volume 1: cruise report
(Rapport;71, Research report, 1991)Totally 36 icebergs were observed during the survey in the area between Hopen and Kong Karls Land. The majority of these icebergs were small and trapped in the landfast ice at Kong Karls Land. 4 Argos buoys were deployed, ... -
Isbjørnbinner med unger i Bogen hiområde, Kongsøya, Svalbard : en etologisk grunnundersøkelse
(Rapport;12, Research report, 1982) -
Isdriftstasjonen FRAM 1 : ekspedisjonsrapport
(Rapport;1, Research report, 1979) -
Klimaendringer i Barentshavet : konsekvenser av økte CO2 nivåer i atmosfæren og havet
(Rapportserie, Research report, 2008-06-16) -
Klimaendringer i norsk Arktis : konsekvenser for livet i nord
(Rapport;136, Research report, 2010-05) -
Klimautvikling i Nord-Norge og på Svalbard i perioden 1900–2100 : klimaendringer i norsk Arktis : NorACIA delutredning 1
(Rapport;135, Research report, 2010-05) -
Klorerte organiske miljøgifter : nivåer og effekter på isbjørn
(Rapport, Research report, 1994) -
Kunnskapsgrunnlaget for Sentral-Spitsbergen
(Rapportserie;150, Research report, 2018) -
Late weichselian glacial and glaciomarine sedimentation in the Western, Central Barents Sea
(Rapport, Research report, 1980) -
lce drift in the Greenland Sea estimated from ERS-1 SAR and NOAA AVHRR images
(Rapport, Research report, 1993) -
Marin geologiske og geofysiske undersøkelser : Svalbardekspedisjonen 1980. Rapport tokt II
(Rapport;4, Research report, 1980)