Browsing Rapportserien / Report series by Title
Now showing items 124-143 of 161
Seabird colony databases of the Barents sea region and the Kara sea : 2nd edition
(Rapport, Research report, 2002) -
Seismic indications of shallow gas in the Northern Barents Sea
(Rapport;36, Research report, 1987) -
Shallow geology and geophysics of the Barents Sea : with special reference to the existence and detection of submarine permafrost
(Rapport;37, Research report, 1987) -
Sjøfuglundersøkelser nord for N 74 Bjørnøya : AKUP sluttrapport
(Rapport;44, Research report, 1988) -
Smeerenburg seminar : report from a symposium presenting results from research into seventeenth century whaling in Spitsbergen
(Rapport, Research report, 1987) -
Solhøydediagrammer for området fra 70° N til 82° N
(Rapport;40, Research report, 1987) -
Sostojanie populjacij morskich ptic, gnezdjascichsja v regione Barenceva morja
(Rapport;113, Research report, 2003) -
Soviet - Norwegian oceanographic programme 1988-1992: cruise reports 1990
(Rapport;73, Research report, 1991) -
Soviet-Norwegian Oceanographic Programme 1988-1992 : cruise reports 1989
(Rapport;57, Research report, 1990) -
Soviet-Norwegian Oceanographic Programme 1988-1992: SNOP numerical experiment (SNOPNEX) model comparison
(Rapport;80, Research report, 1993) -
The Status of marine birds breeding in the Barents Sea region
(Rapport;113, Research report, 2000) -
Status og utviklingstrekk for klimaindikatorer i norsk del av Arktis : MOSJ tolkingsrapport – klima
(Rapport;130, Research report, 2010-07) -
Stratigraphical dictionary for Svalbard. Translation from the Russian title: Stratigraficeskij slovar' Spicbergena
(Rapport, Research report, 1991) -
Studies of the ringed seal (Phoca hispida Schreber 1775) in its breeding habitat in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
(Rapport;19, Research report, 1984) -
Submarine permafrost and gas hydrates in the northern Barents Sea
(Rapport;56, Research report, 1990) -
Svalbard - et av de best forvaltede villmarksområder i verden? : prinsipper for god villmarksforvaltning
(Rapport;116, Research report, 2001) -
Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus): a status report
(Rapport / Norsk Polarinstitutt;151, Report, 2019-11) -
Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus hyperboreus) : a status report
(Rapport, Research report, 2005-09) -
SVALGEOBASE: Proterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic basement of Svalbard - state of knowledge and new perspectives of investigations, workshop report
(146;, Research report, 2014-05-22) -
Tertiary tectonics of Svalbard: extended abstracts from symposium held in Oslo 26 and 27 April 1988
(Rapport;46, Research report, 1988)