Blar i Felt- og toktrapporter / Field- and cruise reports på utgivelsesdato
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Østgrønland 1932: flykartlegging
(Report, 1932) -
Sydosh Grønland. "Veslemari"-ekspedisjonen 1932
(Report, 1932) -
NP TRACTOR, October 2001
(Research report, 2001) -
Fram Strait September 2002 cruise on R/V Lance: cruise report
(Research report, 2002) -
Fram Strait September 2003 Cruise on R/V Lance: cruise report
(Research report, 2003) -
Fram Strait September 2004 cruise on R/V Lance: cruise report
(Research report, 2004) -
Hydrography amd ice observations in the Fram Strait: RV Lance cruise report, 18th May - 04th June 2005
(Research report, 2005) -
Fram Strait with RV Lance 28.8.2005-17.9.2005: cruise report
(Research report, 2005) -
Fram Strait September 2006: R/V Lance cruise report
(Research report, 2006) -
Fram Strait cruise report, 3.-26. September 2010
(Research report, 2010) -
ICE Fimbulisen - top to bottom: season 2 expedition field report
(Research report, 2011) -
Fram Strait 22/8–15/9 2011, R/V Lance: cruise report
(Research report, 2011) -
RV Lance, Fram Strait 19/8–13/9 2012: cruise report
(Research report, 2012) -
Fram Strait cruise report, 11th August – 12th September 2013
(Research report, 2013)